Monday, March 16, 2015

Scope Shopping For Match .22 Rimfire

Been shopping around for scope for my 22 rim fire match rifle. Rifle has a 3-9x on it now, been wanting something in the 3/4 to12-14x range. Been looking at the Vortex Crossfire II.

If anyone reading has any scopes on there 22 rim fire with a 12-14x scope, leave a comment with what brand,power,quality, how consistent your accuracy is with it and any other useful info you have on it.

I'm open to all comments and scopes. Like to get some info on some I don't have or been around.

Thanks for reading,

This Week In Shooting And Reloading 3/9-3/15/15

Hello all,

This week I got ready for a Mini-Palma match and did some more load development with the Hodgdon Benchmark Powder.

This week for the Mini-Palma match I practiced shooting prone at 100 yards with my 22 rimfire. Sighted it in a couple weeks ago. The range weather was terrible, the wind was blowing 27-32 MPH left to right and was overcast an sprinkling. My first shot of the day was about 6-8 inches right and good on elevation. So I held the right side duplex cross-hair point center of target and was hitting vertically online with center but about 1/2 inch low, my best 5 shot group could be covered with a quarter, I thought that was pretty good do to the wind and rain. Didn't adjust scope any, I figured if the wind subsides for the match I still want my original zero.

Didn't have time to order match ammo online, so I tried different brands I had, Remington gold, Winchester SuperX, and some Federal. Overall my tightest groups where with the Winchester SuperX.

The next day is the match. So I wake up sunday, pouring down rain. Get gun and gear packed up to head out. Get to the match 30mins early, only the match director and I are there, we wait tell the match start time still nobody shows, just great so back home I head. Now the next match is in May.

This week with the Benchmark powder, I only loaded .222, took my best group powder weight and loaded 1/4 grain lower, 1/4 grain higher and same. 10 rounds each.  Shot all of them, my best group powder weight from last week was still the best this week.

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, March 8, 2015

This Week In Shooting And Reloading 3/2-3/8/15

Hello all,

This week was a busy week at work, I didn't do much through out the week, just weekend work.

Lets start with reloading, I cleaned some nickel plated .222 in walnut shells, worked over some .243, deprimed, neck sized and cleaned primer pockets. That about raps up the reloading.

For the shooting, got to the range today, tested out my load work ups for the .222 and .243 with the Hodgdon Benchmark powder, I like the powder and the groups I got out of the rifles so far.  Took out the new Savage Mark II LH stainless with the thumb hole stock .22, sighted it in at 100 yards for a Mini-Palma match at my local range. Sighted it in with some Winchester Super X 40 Grain bullet, then switched to a Federal with a 36 Grain bullet, I had better grouping with the heavier Winchester round.

Here is some info on the Mini Palma match if you are wondering what it was.

Basically it is a F-class match you shoot with .22 rimfire with the 800-900-1000 yard targets simulated and reduced to shoot at 100 yards. Below is the target you shoot.
Link to basic Mini Palma rules and course of fire: ****Mini Palma Rules****

Hodgdon Benchmark Powder

Good day all,

This weeks product review will be on Hodgdons Benchmark powder.
I purchased this powder from the local shop here in town, been wanting to try it out but was actually wanting the IMR 8028XBR, local shop had the IMR the past few weeks but when I actually go and get it they didn't have any, just my luck so I got the Benchmark.

Benchmark is on the Hodgdons burn rate list at #80, IMR 8208XBR is at #85.

Here is a link to the Hodgdon burn rate list so you can check it out:   *****Burn Rate Link*****

For the calibers I worked loads up for where my .222 and .243.


The data I found for my work up loads was on the Hodgdon website, do not use my load data, always research and use your own for safety reasons. Hodgdon reloading Link:  **Reloading data Link**

For the .222 with a Hornady 53 grain HPBT I started at 21.5grs-22.0grs-22.5grs. My grouping got tighter an tighter with the larger charges. Best group was with 22.5grs, so with that I will go a tenth of a grain either way from their to see if I can improve accuracy.

For the .243 with a Sierra 60 grain HP I started at 38.5grs-39.0grs-39.5grs-40.0grs. Same as the .222 the tighter groups where the larger two of the four loads on this load work up. I had three touching with the 39.5 grains load and four touching with the 40.0 grains load, I know I pulled the one that didn't touch. This load I might try some loads between 39.5 and 40.0 grains. The rifle seemed to like those two loads.

For the reloading part, the powder is a short cut cylindrical powder and flows quite nicely through my RCBS Uniflow powder measure. It flows good into the case as well and is well away from a compressed load. The color of the powder is slightly greyer than the normal black powder.

After the testing my loads at the range and returning home to clean my barrels, I noticed there was minimal fouling down the bore, maybe a few little pieces and barely made the patch dirty. 

All in all this is a nice powder to work with and shoot.

Thanks again for reading and checking out this weeks product review, and feel free to comment or ask questions.
