Sunday, January 31, 2016

Building/Revamping A Stock On A Budget

Hello Everyone,

In this post I take a flimsy stock off of a Savage Model 12FV Pre-Accutrigger and make it a little sturdier, a little heavier and a better color. I will go step by step on the process of what I did from start to finish with pictures.

Here is the basic materials list for the build.
  1. Two 1oz tubes of epoxy From my local Harbor Freight $7
  2. One Can of Rust-oleum Textured Paint, Sand Stone Color $6
  3. Couple pounds of sand from my local sand dune $0
  4. Project Foam remnants $0
  5. Piece of 180 grit Sand Paper $0 
Most of the items I had laying around already, so the total cost for my stock was around $13.

Rifle Before Modification

Nothing special just a Savage Arms Model 12FV chambered in .223. The only thing I don't like is how flimsy the stock is at the point where the bi-pod attaches. It is all hollowed out with just a skeleton supporting the sides.

Stripping It Down

  • Photo to the left is the stock stripped down
  • Photo above is the skeleton support around the forend

Making The Forend Stronger With Epoxy

  •  Photo to the right is the two tubes of epoxy mixed and applied into the forend skeleton.
  • Filled up to the bottom of the barrel channel, allows a full floated barrel still.
  • I dammed off the area around the nut for the front swivel so the epoxy will not interfere with nut.
  • Made sure I kept the epoxy out of the area for the action and recoil lug.

Adding Some Weight



  • Top Left, Hollowed out stock, was filled with foam.
  • Top Center, Foam Template for plugging end to keep sand in.
  • Top Right, Stock filled with sand.
  • Bottom Center, Filled with sand, plugged and glued.

Prepping For Paint

I sanded down all the rough spots, cleaned up the epoxy residue and masking taped the holes.


Put about four light coats on, then did some touch up around the trigger an action area.

And The Final Product

 Reassembled the rifle, checked the barrel with a dollar bill to make sure it was still free floated an nothing protruding hitting the barrel and made sure the action was not binding in anyway an torqued properly.

That is all for now, I might update with some more information later on if it has improved the accuracy of the rifle.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, hope this helps you if you need to budget build or revamp a stock.


Part Three Of Three. Rifle Purchasing

Good Day Everyone,

Well this is the last of the three part series on firearm purchasing. Today will be on Rifle Purchase(CenterFire, No Rimfire) as the main title states. Lets get to the subject.

Rifle purchase, like all the other posts it is all on what your needs and wants, from a AR platform to a Target rifle and everything in between, I will expand on these in the next few paragraphs. Also is the availability of ammo for the type of firearm you want/need.

Rifle types, AR platform, Bolt action, Pump/Lever and Semi-Auto and Black Powder to name a few. Shooting Types include, Target/Competition(I will include Paper, steel, 3gun etc. in this,) Plinking, Hunting, Tactical and just a All around gun (Maybe for a pickup or farm and ranch use.)

AR Style Platform

Is a great all around firearm, used in all types of shooting from Long Range Target, Plinking, Hunting, Tactical or even a all around gun.

The good thing about the AR platform in can be built and Accessorized to any type of shooting you prefer. Also now days the caliber choices are not limited to the .223/5.56 or the .308/7.62, you have choices in 6.5mm, .300 AAC and many more to suit your needs.

Bolt Action Rifle

Is your basic most common firearm found. Used in most every shooting type found, Hunting, Target/Competition, Plinking, All around and Tactical(as in sniper.)

The bolt action Rifle comes in many different calibers and options, From .17 to .50 caliber. Options include barrel size/length, stock type, magazine or clip fed, caliber types can range from over the counter caliber to custom made "Wildcat" calibers. Can be accessorized and gunsmithed to your needs.

Semi Auto Rifle(Not AR) Pump Action And Lever Actions

I am grouping these together due to limited amount of calibers, accessories an options on these style of rifles and my limited knowledge on this group.

Gonna be limited on calibers and manufactures for the pump and Semi Autos, lever actions are more readily available with more option on calibers and styles. I believe the Pumps and Semi are limited to your basic Hunting calibers.

All three styles are great all around firearms for a pickup, riding on a ranch or farm, hunting. The lever actions are also used in the cowboy action competitions.

Black Powder

I am limited on knowledge with this style of firearm, do have a general knowledge of the options. Main calibers are .45, .50 and maybe .65(I believe)

Options include the old style muzzle loader/flintlock and the new style breech style hunting rifles. Also used in Long Range Black Powder competitions out to 1000 yards! I do see some black powder used in the cowboy action competitions.

I don't have to much on this subject due to my limited knowledge and me not researching it due to me not being interested in the subject.

Post Overview

I hope this gives you some help on making your rifle purchase, but it all comes down to what you need or want. From home protection, to targets an plinking  and hunting. Calibers are a big thing now due to the prices and amount of ammo on the shelves now. You will find more of the military and tactical calibers nowadays on the shelves, most older military rounds are easy to find as well.

Thanks For Reading,

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Review Of Sierra 22 Cal. 69Gr HPBT Match Bullets. 01/02/2016

Hello Everyone,

Post Overview

Recently I have been interested in stretching my target shooting out a little farther than the 100 yard line either in the prone or bench position. I have been contemplating on buying a new rifle for the purpose or just re-purposing another. I'm wanting to do the NRA 300/600 yard prone matches at my local range, so I figured I would go with a bolt action 22 caliber centerfire with a heavy bullet. I had three option to go with, one had to slow of a twist to stabilize a heavy bullet(22-250), one is to sentimental to me to do any modifications(222) and low and be hold my hidden jewel, my Savage Arms Model 12 FV(I believe) pre-accutrigger, I figured it had a slow twist rate for the lighter varmint bullets, just for the heck of it I checked the twist rate multiple times each time it came out 1in 9" SCORE!! I can shoot heavier bullets. So I am going to build off of that for now and develop some loads for it.

Review Information

This review will be continued in the future as my information comes in. As I am writing this I have a few loads worked up and I will be trying them out tomorrow and reporting the information back on here of what I find. I working on load development for the above mentioned rifle, I wanted a heavy bullet out of my 223 that would work with my twist rate and reach above the 2800 FPS speed without having a max powder charge creeping up on the max CUP pressures. So I am starting my loads with the Sierra 22 Cal 69 Grain Hollow Point Boat Tail(HPBT) Match, P/N 1380, Recommended twist rate 1 in 7-10".

Ok, to the bullets, Right out of the box I really like the size of the load information stickers they give you, always a plus when you can actually right on them. There are 100 bullets in the box, no more no less. I have randomly been weighing them to see how much they differ, so far it hasn't been over .001 grains on my scale. No defects of any kind and they are all shiny and bright.

So for the loads, I am starting first with the Hodgdon Benchmark Powder, as per there reloading data I went for a mid range charge at 22.5 grains, which should put me around 2850 FPS. Second will be IMR 4895, with a charge of 24 grains, which should be over 2868 FPS. Third and final will be the Accurate Powders 2015, with a charge of 21 grains, this is going to be about 2600 FPS, just to see how my results differ from the higher FPS.

All load data was found at these websites: IMR/Hodgdon and Accurate Powders

All Loads mentioned above are for information only not to be used unless researched for your firearms, please use all information available when hand loading ammunition, Manufactures Manual and websites, If you are unsure about your firearm contact the manufactures.

That will complete everything I have as of 01/02/2016
Thanks for Reading, Rex.

Range Report 01/03/2016

Hello all, here is how the loads look on paper. Weather conditions at the range are: 21F Degrees, Light Snow, less than 5 MPH head wind, did I mention cold.

Smallest groups are the Accurate 2015, Followed by the Hodgdon Benchmark and lastly the IMR 4895. All are very close, I want to see what the difference is when the temperature warms up. Below are the images of all the targets shot today.

Hodgdon Benchmark

IMR 4895