Sunday, August 2, 2015

Weekend Match Results, Routines and Talk

Hello All,

This weekend I participated in another Mini-Palma Match, with a better show than last time and I will expand on that later in this blog.

This match I shot a score of 430-14x out of a max 450-45x, which was better than my first showing of a 173-1x. Range conditions made for a nice day of shooting, other than the heat towards the second relay. First relay shot with a temp of 80F and climbed to 95F throughout the rest of the match, it broke 100F later in the day. The winds were anywhere from 1-7 Mph, blowing from the left to right then switching right to left across the range throughout the match, just as you would get dialed in on the wind it would switch directions on you and cause you to second guess your setup. I think next time I will have my own wind flags in front of me to help.

Between last match and this match I changed scopes, I took my rifle to the range to get the new scope dialed in, I got it on the paper then walked it into the bulls eye an got it there but ran out of "up" adjustment lucky me. So I made some shims to go under the rear scope mount due to the fact I didn't think I could a 20 MOA scope mount delivered in time. Me the procrastinator waited till the morning of the match to get sighted in. I had good 3 shot group under 1/2"  in the bulls eye after 10 shots, figured I was good to go and I didn't want to waste anymore 22 rimfire than needed.

After I was all sighted in, I ran a dry patch through the bore and I saw the flags where up at the high power range so I headed up there. Helped set up targets in there frames and get prepped for the match. All the guys at the matches have been a great help and fun to shoot with. Good times Bs'ing in the pits and in the ready area too.

Onto the next topic, what is your post match routine?

After I gather all my spent casings an put everything away I head to my house, more importantly to the garage. I always wash my hands after the match or anytime I go shooting. Every time I am done shooting it is near lunch or dinner, so I figured the best thing to do is to wash as soon as I get home.

After chilling out for a while I will start my gun cleaning process. Depending on the last time I ran a wet patch through I normally just run dry patches. Before this last match I ran some JB's Bore paste through the bore. Between that and the CCI Standard Velocity I have been shooting I am happy with the amount of fouling I am seeing. Ran three dry patches last night through my rifle for my  Mini Palma match.

 These are my patches from last night, one trip through on each, top is the first. I really like that JB's bore paste I used this last time in the bore.

This is a 20 or a 12 gauge cotton cleaning brush that I use after taking the bolt out of my Savage 22, it really cleans out the black contaminated lube left over after shooting a bunch of rounds, that way I know I always have fresh clean lube in my action and on my bolt.

This weekend I shot CCI Standard velocity, I found it at the local supply store, the guy behind the counter keeps a few behind for the guys who shoot matches with it. It velocity is 1070 FPS, so far I am impressed on how it shoots out of my rifle and its only $9 for a 100 round box. I haven't tried any match ammo yet, I may experiment with that this winter when I have more time.

Well that's all I have for this week to chat about, thanks again and feel free to comment with questions or comments.


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