Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Case Lube

Hello Everyone,

Well I finally made the switch from the old pad and lube system for sizing and depriming duties on the reloading press.  Currently I am using Hornady one shot for the case body and unique on the neck and mouth.

There are other brands out there like RCBS, Lyman and Dillon, plus many others. I would like to try the Dillon after I run out of the Hornady one shot. The only reason I went with Hornady was due to the availability of it locally.

These are the steps needed to size and deprime your brass using Spray lube and unique lube.

  1. Disassemble your decapping die and clean.
  2. Spray inside the die and outside the decapping pin and ball with your spray lube.
  3. Reassemble your die after the lube dries.
  4. Arrange your brass in a block or tray with the necks up or away from you.
  5. Spray with Lube, taking care not to get any on shoulder or damage could occur.
  6. Lube Mouth and neck with Unique taking care not to apply to the shoulder.
  7. Resize and Deprime.
  8. Wipe case clean or tumble.
I have posted a video about this on my YouTube channel catch it here at Rex's Blog.

On the video I show you how to use the product on 222 Remington Nickel plated brass. 

Nickel plated brass is a lot harder to resize due to its hardness compared to regular brass. I use nickel plated on my .222 so I can easily tell the difference between them and my .223 brass, in case they get mixed up.

Thanks for checking out the blog, check out my video and feel free to comment with any questions.


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