Saturday, February 28, 2015

Starting Another Section For The Blog.

Hello again,

I will be starting a section/post for my blog, it will be titled "This Week In Shooting and Reloading" from now on.

Hopefully I will be able to keep up with posting something I did in shooting or reloading each week. I would like to have all you readers comment on what you did during the week as well, something new, something you are trying out or something you like to do and just want to mention it.

To start of this new section, this week I picked up some Hodgdon Benchmark powder, never used it before, trying it in my .222, 22-250 and .243, so far I have loaded  5 each from starting load up in .5gr increments to just below max. I mounted a scope on a Savage Mark II as you can tell from my last review. Also tumbled some .243 brass that I used a week or so ago. Also have been catching up on some podcasts from the Firearms Radio Networks, those would be the Precision Rifle Podcast and the Reloading Podcast.

May review the benchmark powder in the near future.

Thanks again for checking out the blog, comment with what you have done this week as well,

Wheeler Engineering Level-Level-Level Crosshair Leveling kit

Hello again and thanks for checking out my blog.

I picked up the Wheeler Engineering crosshair leveling kit at my local supply shop this week, been wanting one to try and ended up putting a scope on a rifle this week so it worked out good.

This is the Level-Level-Level kit in the package.
If you can't see in the picture the smaller level goes on top of the scope, while the larger one fits in the receiver rails across the bolt slides. Both levels have magnets in them.

I first tried it on a Savage arms Mark II .22 cal with a thumbhole stock. The scope level worked as it should, but the receiver was a bit small for that level, so I was pulling the stock off to adjust the accu-trigger anyways, so I stuck it to the side of the trigger mechanism housing, I figured it would be close enough to level it off of. It worked great there. I tried the floor plate in front of the trigger guard but it seemed not to be as level as the trigger housing. You made need to find another place to level with on the action if you are leveling a 22 rimfire or 17 rimfire.

Second try went perfect, I leveled the scope on my short action Remington 700 varmint gun. Worked as it was suppose to.

The HS Precision stock sits just a bit higher than the action at the ejection port, so it was pushing the level up on the right side.  So I moved it back near the safety to remedy the problem.

This is a simple and easy kit to use for scope leveling. I like that it is simple an easy to use. If you are leveling a 22/17 cal rimfire as I noted above you may need to use a alternate place to get the action leveled correctly.

Thanks for checking out my blog and feel free to leave a comment.